"Joey, why can't you just wear the underwear you're wearing now?"
"Because I'm not wearing any underwear now."
"Okay, um. Why do you have to wear underwear tonight?"
"It's a rented tux, okay. I'm not going to go commando in another man's fatigues."
Review: Another great season, but it started out a little slow with Ross and Rachel as a couple. It is ironic that you spend two seasons rooting for them to get together, but once they do it get's a little boring. The rest of the characters were funny, especially Chandler, and the Ross & Rachel storyline gets great again when they go on their break.
"I'm an idiot. I mean, I should have seen it. I mean, Carol and I would be out, and she'd see some beautiful woman and she'd be, 'Ross! Look at her!' and I'd think, 'God, my wife is cool.'"
"Hey, do you think that Susan person is her lover?"
"Well, now I do!"
"I advised a fellow actor to play a role homosexually. Yeah. We both auditioned for the part... and as it turned out... they liked the stupid gay thing and cast him. And now he's got a two-year contract opposite, Susan Lucci, the first lady of daytime television. And me? Me, I'm stuck here teaching a bunch of people, most of whom are too ugly to even be on TV. I'm sorry... I'm sorry."
"Thank you."
"Hi. I'm selling Brown Bird cookies."
"You're no Brown Bird. I can see you through my peephole."
"No. Hi. I'm an honorary Brown Bird."
"What does that mean?"
"Well, it means that I can sell cookies, but I'm not invited to sleepovers."
"Hey, how much you give me to eat this whole jar of olives?"
"I won't give you anything, but you'll owe me $2.95."
3 1/2 out of 4 Stars
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