"I guess you could say that the main problem... is that this guy, who's, I don't know, I guess you could say, starring... in these dreams is somebody that I definitely should not be dreaming about."
"Ah, because even though he's a sexy and successful doctor, he's also happily married and about to be a father. Yes, there is no fruit so sweet is that which is forbidden."
"Fraiser, stop before you embarrass yourself further."
"Darling, you're the love of my life but even I don't have erotic dreams about you."
Review: This is the season where Robin woos Rebecca and Sam gets his bar back.
"Believe it or not, some people care about their appearance."
"I could take that as an insult, you know? ...If I cared about my appearance."
"Guys, guys, guys. C'mon, you can talk about Rebecca having a good time all you want. It's no skin off my nose."
"Are you sure you aren't still repressing, just a bit?"
"All right, maybe a little bit. I mean, it doesn't seem fair. Does it? I spent three years loosening the cap on that peanut butter jar and right now she's sticking to the roof of somebody else's mouth."
"Hey Normie, how did you think of that name, Kreitzer?"
"I've been meaning to ask the same thing. What was it? A bully back in school, a sadistic CO back in the Coast Guard, an authoritative figure that used to torment you?"
"No, no, no. It's Vera's maiden name. Heh!"
"You're right. I should go back, but I would be so embarrassed. I mean, how can you back to a room full of people that think you're a total idiot? I mean, how do you do it, Cliff?"
"Well, I don't really like to divulge... Hey!"
"Sorry I'm late. I just got back from my stylist."
"Well geez, Sam. Your hair doesn't look any different."
"No, this was just for an estimate. I'm thinking of doing a bodywave and my insurance company wants me to go to three different places."
"Sam, you have hair insurance?"
"Yeah, what, like I'm just gonna walk around with fire and theft."
"You know, Sam. You've proven to be a big disappointment to me."
"Oh c'mon, man, don't."
"No, no, no. I always modeled myself after you. Well, not the way you're always hung up on your looks. That's kinda shallow, really. And not the chasing after women part because that's kinda silly. But the other part."
"There is no other part."
"Yeah there is Sam. There's a part of you that's always looking out for your friends. I mean that's the thing that's made you my hero. And now leaving Miss Howe on the hook like that. I may have to go back to my old hero, St. Thomas Aquinas."
"All right now everyone, pay attention. I have a little announcement to make and I only have a minute."
"You're in a hurry?"
"No, I was referring to you're relatively short attention spans."
"Jean Marie. Ah, the name just glides off the tongue. Of course, I hope it doesn't do that tonight when I'm in the rack with Lilith."
"I was afraid at first myself, being in a public place like that. She was so insistent. She said the danger would heighten the excitement of it all. She kept whispering in my ear saying we could be discovered at any second. Amazing stuff. I mean, at first I was against it... IT being the rail."
4 1/2 out of 5 Stars
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