Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Egypt Doesn't Want to Control Gaza

In reference to my post on the 14th, I just read an interesting article about Israel wanting to hand Gaza off to Egypt.

Egypt Doesn't Want to Control Gaza

Israel may want Egypt to take responsibility for Palestinians in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip but Cairo is making it clear that it is not interested in running Palestinian affairs, an expert here said.


Israel has been trying to draw Jordan and Egypt back to the way things used to be before 1967, when Jordan was responsible for the West Bank and Egypt for the Gaza Strip, Frisch said in a telephone interview.

The West Bank, Gaza Strip and Golan Heights came into Israeli hands as a result of the 1967 Six-Day War.

The call for dialogue between Fatah and Hamas was Mubarak's way of saying that Egypt will not take responsibility for the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and that Egypt will not allow Israel to turn the Gaza Strip into an Egyptian problem, Frisch said.

I still think it would be better if Egypt took over Gaza again. Maybe Israel, the US and International Community could find some way to sweeten the pot for Egypt. Egypt would have a big hassle on their hands integrating Gaza back into their country, but maybe we would have peace in the Middle East between the Arabs and Israel in our lifetimes instead of never-ending negotiations trying to create a new state where it's inhabitants can't even agree on it's make-up.

I think the Gazans would be better off as well. If Egypt moved back in, they would no longer be cut off from the world in a little prison-like strip of land. Egypt could re-open Gaza's Air and Sea ports and the Gazans would have a free open border in the South for commerce and movement of their people. Egypt would have to come in hard with their own Army and Police in the beginning to establish there authority over militias, but I think they could handle it.

I think Jordan would have a much easier time integrating the West Bank because they already have a large integrated Palestinian population, even the Queen of Jordan is Palestinian. This would also give the West Bank free access to the Red Sea at Acaba for their goods.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Film: Licence to Kill (1989)

DVD: Anamorphic
Licence To Kill

"Pam, this is Q, my 'uncle'. Q, this is 'Miss Kennedy', my 'cousin'."
"Ah! We must be related."

Review: I think Timothy Dalton is an underrated James Bond and "Licence to Kill" is an underrated Bond film. I think this movie contains an excellent story where Bond goes renegade in order to get revenge on a South American drug lord who injures his friend and kills his wife on their honeymoon. Robert Davi did a great job as the villain and Wayne Newton did a fun little turn as the fake leader of a New Age Institute. Carey Lowell is also my favorite Bond girl.

"Oooo, I love James sooo much... I'll be DAMNED if I'll help him."
"Oh, don't judge him too harshly, my dear. Field Operatives must often use every means at their disposal to achieve their objectives."

"When it gets up to your ankles, you're going to beg to tell me everything. When it gets up to your knees, you'll kiss my ass to kill you."

4 out of 5 Stars

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Little to celebrate at the birth of 'Hamastan'

"Hamas flags flying in triumph over the Gaza Strip represent a historic blow to Palestinian national unity as well as an end to already slim hopes for any sort of meaningful peace process with Israel. Barring some dramatic reversal after the latest fighting - such as the improbable survival of the Hamas-Fatah coalition government - 1.4 million Palestinians in what is now being dubbed "Hamastan" will not only be physically cut off from their compatriots in the West Bank but will also be ruled by a movement that advocates armed resistance and is boycotted by Israel and the international community.

Neither side will be in a position to conduct negotiations with Israel or anyone else, killing off any hopes of urgently needed momentum to the current stalemate. "It leaves the Palestinians fragmented and very weak," said a senior Arab diplomat. Iran and Syria, which support Hamas, have boosted their influence."

Guardian - Little to celebrate at the birth of 'Hamastan'

Now that the Palestinians seemed to have split into two groups, it should just stay that way. Instead of trying endless failing negotiations to create a Palestinian State, just give the Gaza Strip back to Egypt and give the West Bank back to Jordan. Let the surrounding Arab nations try to police their own.

For Israel, this would be an easier land-for-peace scenario because they already have peace treaties with both Egypt and Jordan and it would be easier to negotiate the final borders with two established governments.

I doubt Jordan and Egypt would want to take them back though. Why take on the the trouble when it is easier to leave it in other hands?

Monday, June 11, 2007

TV: Lost - 6th Season

5 Discs - Enhanced 16x9

Review: The last season is better on re-watch. Instead of wondering about the answers we didn't get, I was able to enjoy the ones we did. The final episode is very emotional. The little epilogue special feature with Ben and Hurley was great, tying up a few loose ends with some great humor.

"Sawyer, I'm sorry. I thought we were supposed to... I thought it would work."
"Well, it didn't!!!"

"You know what you said back at the hatch? He's just trying to help us."
"I ain't gonna kill Jack. He deserves to suffer on this rock just like the rest of us."

"How is that even possible? I mean... One minute he's gone, and now he's fine?"
"Of course he's fine."
"What does that mean?"
"He's an Iraqi torturer who shoots kids. He definitely deserves another go-around."

"As you can see, Hugo here has assumed the leadership position, so... that's pretty great."

"I'm sorry we had to put you through that. It was a test. We had to be sure."
"Test to be sure of what?"
"Don't worry. You passed."
"I just lied to him, didn't I?"

"Hello James."
"I thought you were dead."
"I am."
"Here's to being dead."
"You're taking this extremely well."
"Taking what extremely well?"
"That I'm here."
"I don't give a damn if you're dead, or time travelin', or the Ghost of Christmas Past. All I care about is this whiskey. So bottoms up... get the hell out of my house."

"Does anyone want to say anything? Didn't any of you know him?"
"All right, I knew him... John Locke was a... a believer. He was a man of faith. He was... a much better man than I will ever be. And I'm very sorry I murdered him."
"This is the weirdest damn funeral I've ever been to."

"I came back here because I was broken. And I was stupid enough to think this place could fix me."

"Are you going to hurt them?"
"Only the ones that won't listen."

"What are you doing running errands for Locke?"
"I ain't runnin' errands for nobody."
"He said he sent you over to the other island. Did you find the plane?"
"Yeah. And that ain't the only thing over there. A guy named Widmore set up camp on the beach, got a whole team with him. Guys with guns. They're here for Locke."
"So what are you gonna do?"
"I'm gonna let them fight it out. And while they got their hands full with each other... you and me are gettin' the hell off this island."
"Even if we could get on the plane, who's gonna fly it?"
"We ain't taking the plane, Freckles. We're taking the sub."

"Oooh, that's a lot of chicken."
"I eat when I'm depressed."
"Ah! So what's her name?"
"I met a girl on a blind date the other night."
"And it didn't go as you hoped?"
"Mmm! She was totally awesome, except for one thing. She's crazy."
"Well, all women are a little bit crazy, brother."

"I'll do it... This is why I'm here. This is... This is what I'm supposed to do."
"Is that a question, Jack?"

4 1/2 out of 5 Stars

TV: Lost - 5th Season

DVD: 5 Discs - Widescreen Anamorphic
Lost: The Complete Fifth Season

"Great! So when are we now, whiz kid?"
"We're either in the past... or we're in the future."

Review: I was a little disappointed at times watching this season, but watching it again on DVD I don't understand what my problem was. It is still great. I enjoyed the time traveling aspect of the show during the beginning of the season and the build-up to the exciting season finale.

"Awesome. Want a fry?"
"No, thank you."
"You know, maybe if you ate more comfort food, you wouldn't go around shooting people."

"How did you know Richard would be here?"
"Richard's always been here."
"How old is he?"

"Kate, if we're going to be safe. If we're going to protect the people that we left behind, tomorrow morning I have to convince everyone to lie. If it's just me, they're never gonna go for it. So I'm going to turn to you first. Are you with me?"
"I have always been with you."

"Why'd you turn us around, then? Don't you want to go back there?"
"Why would I want to do that?"
"So you could tell yourself to do things different. Save yourself pain."
"No, I needed that pain to get to where I am now."

"Paddle harder!!! They're getting closer!" [Flash begins] "Thank you, Lord!" [Flash ends in a thunderstorm.] "I take that back!"
"Everyone paddle. Head for the shore."

"Where ever you are, John, you must be laughing your ass off that I'm actually doing this. Because this... This is even crazier than you were."

"You don't think it means something? That somehow... we're all back together?"
"We're on the same plane, Jack. That doesn't make us together."

"It doesn't matter what we do. Whatever happened, happened."
"Yeah, thanks anyway, Plato. I'm going over there."

"I am going to leave."
"You do realize it's 1974. Whatever it is you think you're going back to... It doesn't exist yet."
"That's not a reason not to go."
"Well, what about me? Your going to leave me here with the mad scientist and Mr. 'I Speak to Dead People'? And Jin, who's a hell of a nice guy, but not the greatest conversationalist."
"You'll be fine."
"Maybe... But who's gonna get my back?"

"When we were here before, I spent all of my time trying to fix things. But did you ever think that maybe the island just wants to fix itself? That maybe I was just... getting in the way."
"You know, I don't like the new you. I like the old you... who wouldn't sit around and wait for things to happen."
"You didn't like the old me, Kate."

"So you knew this would happen to Locke if we brought him back here?"
"Sun, I had no idea it would happen. I've seen this island do miraculous things. I've seen it heal the sick. But never once has it done anything like this. Dead is dead. You don't get to come back from that. Not even here. So the fact that John Locke is walking around this island scares the living hell out of me."

"Didn't think you'd come."
"Well, if this works, you might just save us all. And if it doesn't? At least you'll put us out of our misery."

"I'm starting to think John Locke is going to be trouble."
"Why do you think I tried to kill him?"

5 out of 5 Stars

Sunday, June 10, 2007

TV: Lost - 4th Season

DVD: 6 Discs - Widescreen Anamorphic
Lost: The Complete Fourth Season

"Daniel, why'd you bring the gun?"
"Uh, as a precaution."
"Precaution against what?"
"Uh, OK, see, um... Rescuing you and your people, I can't really say it's our primary objective."

Review: This was the flash-forward season where we learned how several of the survivors made it off the island. It was a shorter season due to the writer's strike so the storyline raced forward keeping things exciting.

"So how are we gonna do this?"
"You're not the best candidate for this kind of mission."
"And what kind of mission is that?"
"I gonna make Locke release Charlotte and I'm gonna do it without any bloodshed."
"As opposed to the way I'd do it?"
"The last time you encountered him, you put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. That's not good diplomacy."

"Kinda sucks, huh?"
"What's that?"
"Being told not to come along. Now you know what it feels like to be me."
"Does that mean I should wait 20 minutes and go anyway?"

"I went with Jack because I believe he can get us off this island."
"Then I guess that's the difference between us. I ain't looking to leave."
"Why not?"
"Cause I ain't got nothing back there for me."

"Do you regret following me out here? Are you worried what we should do next?"
"All I know is I'd be a lot more worried if I was sitting on that beach."
"And the rest of the group, what are they saying?"
"I think they're saying, Baa... That's the nice thing about sheep. They're predictable."

"I know this doesn't make sense because it doesn't make sense to me. But eight years from now... I need to call you. And I can't call you if I don't have your number."
"Penny, just give me your number. I know I've ruined things. I know you think things are over between us, but they're not. If there's any part of you that still believes in us, just... just give me your number."
"What's to say you won't me call tonight? Or tomorrow?"
"I won't call... for eight years. December 24th, 2004. Christmas Eve... I promise. Please, Pen."
"If I give you the number, will you leave?"

"That woman, what was her name?"
"The two of you friends?"
"Not exactly. She was my therapist."
"You people had therapists?"
"It's very stressful being an Other, Jack."

"Linus will find a way to get it."
"And how will he do that."
"He wants to survive. And considering a week ago you had a gun to his head and tonight he's eating pound cake. I'd say he's a guy who gets what he wants."

"Did the bullet bounce off your skull or did the gun just jam on you?"

"You're here because you can see the cabin and that makes you special."
"Well, I have a theory as to why we're the only ones who can see it."
"I'd love to hear it."
"I think we can see it because we're the craziest."

"Ben, what did you do? You just killed everybody on that boat."

5 out of 5 Stars

Saturday, June 09, 2007

TV: Lost - 3rd Season

DVD: 6 Discs - Widescreen Anamorphic
Lost - The Complete Third Season

"I don't think you're stupid, Jack. I think you're stubborn."

Review: Another great season that ended with a mind-blowing bang. I enjoyed the first six episode mini-season as well. The "Others" were the main focus of this season and it was handled great. I will miss Charlie on the show, he was a great character. If he had to go though, they did a great job wrapping up his story.

"Hey, you got yourself a fish biscuit. How'd you do that?"
"I figured out your complicated gizmos, that's how."
"Only took the bears two hours."
"How many of 'em were there?"

"You did all this just to... just to keep me in a damn cage?"
"We did all this because the only way to gain a con man's respect is to con him. You're pretty good, Sawyer. We're a lot better."

"He'd want us to ransack his tent and take his stash? Yeah, that sounds exactly like Sawyer."
"Well, he stole it in the first place. People need food. They need medical supplies. They need... shocking amounts of pornography."

"You see this glass house you're living in, Jack? How about I get you some stones?"

"Ow! What the hell was that for?"
"So you'd cowboy up. Crying in the jungle! I thought you people were supposed to be tough."

"You had a sailboat?"
"Until we lost it to your Hostiles."
"That's very unfortunate."
"Well, at least we were able to kill one of them."
"Why are continuing to play this little game... when we all know it has moved to the next stage?"

"Where do you get electricity?"
"We have two giant hamsters running in a massive wheel at our secret underground lair."
"Yeah, that's funny."

"Why are you lying to me, mate?"
"Look, MATE... I've saved your life three times now. If that hasn't bought me your trust, I don't know what will. Let's move."

"How about a little afternoon delight? That means sex."
"I know."
"Come on, Freckles, wait! You need me to make you a mix tape?"
"Yeah, why don't you do that."

"The Others. The one you let go, he'll be back tomorrow with five of his mates. We should've killed him."
"You know, brother, by my count, you've killed more of them than they've killed of you."

"You're inside a room full of equipment. There's a blinking yellow light above a switch. You flip the switch. The light goes off. And you drown."

5 out of 5 Stars

Friday, June 08, 2007

TV: Lost - 2nd Season

DVD: 6 Discs - Anamorphic Widescreen
Lost - The Complete Second Season

"It says 'Quarantine' on the inside of the hatch to keep you down here, keep you scared. But you know what? We've been up there for over 40 days and no one's gotten sick. You think this is the only part of it that's true? Did you ever think that maybe they put you down here to push a button every 100 minutes just to see if you would? That all of this, the computer, the button, it's just a mind game? An experiment?"
"Every... single... day."

Review: Some people say Lost declined in the 2nd season but I say it got better. The survivors from the tail section of the plane were a great addition to the storyline. Moving the castaways from the caves and into the hatch with the countdown computer was a great idea which added mystery to the show as well as being a great looking set.

"You should go ahead, man. Don't want Locke making time with your girl... Joke, Dude."
"Not really in the mood, Hurley."
"Really? Wow. Usually you're like, Mr. Ha-Ha."

"Howdy, boys, thanks for the rescue."
"Everything is cool, we had a talk and they believe we were on the plane, too."
"Swell. I guess we can all sue Oceanic together."

"I hated that you were a part of me. That I would never be good. That I would never have anything good. And every time that I look at Sawyer, I see you, Wayne. And it makes me sick."
"That's about the sweetest thing I ever heard."
"Who the hell is Wayne?"

"We crash, two halves of the same plane fall on different parts of the island. You're over there. I'm over here. And here's the missing piece, right back where it belongs. What are the odds?"
"Don't mistake coincidence for fate."

"What if I don't? You going to beat me with your Jesus stick? I find it a little odd that your scripture stick has dried blood on it."
"Are you going to climb that tree or not?"
"What kind of priest are you anyway?"

"Libby's kinda cute, right? You know, in a 'I've been terrorized by the Others for 40 days' kind of way."

"Are you using?"
"Heroin. Are you using again?"
"Kate sees a horse, nothing. Pretty much everybody's seen Walt wanderin' round the jungle. But when it's Charlie, it must be the bloody drugs, right?"
"It's funny, you didn't answer the question."

"John. The combination."
"I gonna go ahead and assume that you're asking me because you're worried that I might fall off a cliff or something, that it would be irresponsible for just one of us to have access to this room, rather than this being an issue of trust."
"Well, there are a lot of cliffs on this island, John."

"What happened out there, Charlie?"
"You want to hear the part about me nearly being killed by the flaming fire ball or the flying fork?"

4 out of 4 Stars

TV: Lost - 1st Season

DVD: 6 Discs - Anamorphic Widescreen
Lost - The Complete First Season

"Guys, where are we?"

Review: This is one of the most cinematic television shows that I have ever seen. This show does a good job of mixing mystery, character studies and comedy. It looks great in widescreen.

"You keep asking if there's anything."
"Pardon me for appearing desperate, but before the pilot was RIPPED FROM THE COCKPIT, he did say that no-one's going to find us unless we get that transceiver working. So... is there anything?"

"You're in my light, Sticks."
"Light sticks, what the hell is that?"
"Light, comma, sticks. As in those legs of yours."

"What? I am so not moving to the rape caves!"

"I think... that's why you and I don't see eye-to-eye sometimes, Jack because you're a man of science."
"Yeah, and what does that make you?"
"Me, well, I'm a man of faith. Do you really think all this... is an accident? That we, a group of strangers survived, many of us with just superficial injuries? Do you think we crashed on this place by coincidence, especially this place? We were brought here for a purpose, for a reason, all of us. Each one of us was brought here for a reason."

"Dear diary, still on the bloody island. Today, I swallowed a bug. Love, Claire."

"Got yourself one hell of an imagination, kid."
"There could be lots of other people on the island."
"So a tribe of evil natives planted a ringer in the camp to kidnap a pregnant girl and a reject from VH-1 has-beens. Yeah, fiendishly clever. And why am I getting the news from a six-year old?"
"I'm ten."
"Okay, then it must be true."

"What do you do in the real world, Mr. Locke?"
"It's John. Why don't you guess?"
"Well, you're either a taxidermist or a hit man."
"I was a regional collections supervisor for a box company."

"I can get it back."
"Really. How are you gonna do that?"
"I speak his language."
"You've done this before and if I remember it right, you made out with him, and he never even had what you said you could get."
"Well, I only made out with him because torturing him didn't work."
"Let him keep the gun. It's not worth it."

"Sawyer. I just think there might be something really wrong with him."
"And what does he think?"
"He says he's fine, but..."
"Then he's fine."
"Well, he could be playing it down. There could be something..."
"Look, Kate, I'd love nothing more than to check the guy out and make sure he's OK, but we both know all I'm gonna get for my trouble is a snappy one-liner, and if I'm real lucky, a brand new nick-name."

4 out of 4 Stars

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

TV: Looney Tunes Golden Collection - Volume 2

DVD: 4 Discs
Looney Tunes - Golden Collection, Volume Two

Review: This second collection of Warner Bros. cartoons is top notch. The first disc contains mostly Bugs Bunny cartoons while the 2nd is filled with Road Runner shorts. The 3rd disc's theme is Sylvester and Tweety Bird. The last disc is unique. It is a mix of shorts with many different characters but they have a musical theme. Some of these last group are great but not all of them are to my taste.

"It's about time for me to employ a little stragety."

"The rabbits are coming. Hurray, hurray. / The rabbits are coming. Hurray, Hurray. / The rabbits are coming. Hurray, hurray."
"Zillions and trillions of rabbits! Where are they all coming from?"
"From me, Doc. I'm multiplying, see? I'm multiplying... Let see, what can I do to this guy next? Oh, no! It's too gruesome! But I'll do it."

"Hey, you turtle. Come out of there! Or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in... Uh, sorry. Pardon me. Wrong story."

"Oh, the poor puddy tat had an accident. The poor puddy tat's parachute didn't open."

"I now present an act that no other performer has ever dared to execute. In fairness, I must warn those with weak constitutions to leave the theater for this performance... Lights. Thank you... Some appropriate music, maestro. Thank you... First, I drink a generous portion of gasoline. Then some nitroglycerin. A goodly amount of gunpowder. Some Uranium 238. Shake well. Strike an ordinary match... Girls, you better hold on to your boyfriends. Swallow the match so."
"That's terrific, Daffy! They loved it. They want more."
"I know, I know. But I can only do it once."

"Yosemite Sam, the roughest, toughest he-man stuffiest hombre who's ever crossed the Rio Grande. And I ain't no mamby-pamby. Now be there any livin varmint who aims to try and tame me? Well, be there?"
"I aim's ta."

"Come on out, or I'll blow your head off."
"Drop that gun, son. You're not blasting at no ordinary, everyday, meat-on-the-table duck! I'm gifted. I'm just sloping over with talent. I can sing. I can dance. And I am an actor. I got a contract with Warner Brothers!"

"I'm a wee little birdy trapped high in a tree. / I wonder if puddy will ever catch me. / I'm hardly a mouthful. / I really can't see. / What puddy would want with poor little me. / I really mean it. / What puddy tat would want with meeeee?"

"We do this kind of stuff to him all through the picture."

4 out of 5 Stars

TV: Looney Tunes Golden Collection - Volume 1

DVD: 4 Discs
Looney Tunes - Golden Collection

"Let's run through that again."
"Okay. Would you like to shoot me now, or wait till you get home?"
"Shoot him now. Shoot him now."
"You keep out of this. He doesn't have to shoot you now."
"Ha! That's it! Hold it right there! Pronoun trouble. It's not, he doesn't have to shoot YOU now. It's, he doesn't have to shoot ME now. WELL, I SAY HE DOES HAVE TO SHOOT ME NOW! SO SHOOT ME NOW!"

Review: What can I say about these classic cartoons? Chuck Jones and Fritz Freeleng created some amazing shorts that stand the test of time.

Robert McKimson's cartoons in this collection are mostly unwatchable. There was only one that was decent. They are easily skippable, but I took away half a star for them in the rating of these DVDs.

"Stop steaming up my tail! What are you trying to do, wrinkle it? Let's see now, Coachella Valley. Then to Las Vegas, San Bernardino..."
"Of course, you realize this means war."

"All right, enough is enough. This is the final, the very, very last straw! WHO IS responsible for this? I DEMAND YOU THAT YOU SHOW YOURSELF! WHO ARE YOU!"
"Ain't I a stinker?"

"I paid my four bits to see the high-diving act and I'm a-gonna see the high diving act!"
"Well, you see friend, the fellow that..."
"Oh yeah? Well, someone is going to do that high-diving act! And that someone's a-gonna be you!"
"Me? Oh no, Doc, not me. You see, I'm scared of high places. I get dizzy spells. Goose bumps on my goose bumps."
"Well, you talked me into it."

"Boo! Boo! Boo! The Gas House Gorillas are a bunch of dirty players. Why, I could lick them in a ballgame with one hand tied behind my back. All by myself. Yeah! I'd get up there and WHAM! A HOMER! WHAM! ANOTHER HOMER! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHA... Eh, what's up, Doc?"
"All right, big shot. So you think you can beat us all by yourself? Well, you got yourself a game."

"I am ze bankrupt!"
"Le meow. Le purr."
"Ah, Le pussy ferocious! Remove that skunk, that polecat from the premises! Avec!"

"Oh, wait till I get that rabbit."
"What would you want with a rabbit? Can't you see that I'm... much... sweeter? I'm... your... little... senorita. You are my type of guy, let me straighten your tie. And I... shall dance... for you."

"The world's supply of illudium fosdex, the shaving cream atom, is alarming low. Now, we have reason to believe that the only remaining source is on Planet X. Somewhere in this area."
"And you want me to find Planet X, is that it?"
"Can you do it, Dodgers?"
"Oh, indubitably, sir. Because there's no one knows his way around outer space like, DUCK DODGERS IN THE 24TH AND A HALF CENTURY!"

"I thought I saw a puddy cat. I thought I saw another puddy cat. Hey, I'm surrounded by puddy cats."

3 1/2 out of 4 Stars

Monday, June 04, 2007

Film: War of the Worlds (2005)

DVD: Enhanced 16x9
War of the Worlds (Widescreen Edition)

"What is it? Is it terrorists?"
"These came from some place else."
"What do you mean, like, Europe?"
"No, Robbie, not like Europe!"

Review: This is an excellent movie of an alien invasion from the perspective of a small family on the run from the destruction. It is almost a perfect movie for about three-quarters until Ray and his daughter hide out in Ogilvy's basement and it slows down a bit. The rest of the movie is excellent but takes a half a star out of the movie's rating.

"Okay, hard-ass. You're in charge now? So what's your plan?"
"We catch up with these soldiers, and we head back there, and we get back at them! We get back at them!"
"Okay, now come up with a plan that DOESN'T involve your 10-year-old sister joining the Army! You got anything like that?"

4 1/2 out of 5 Stars

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Film: Flirting With Disaster (1996)

DVD: Enhanced 16x9
Flirting With Disaster (Collector's Edition)

"Every marriage is vulnerable, otherwise being married wouldn't mean anything, would it?"

"You got a lot of nerve. You come in here, you lick my wife's armpit. You know... I'm going to have that image in my head for the rest of my life with your tongue in there."
"You deserve it."

Review: This is one of my favorite Ben Stiller movies. He plays a married guy trying to track down his real parents across the country but his adoption agent keeps taking him to the wrong people. The movie gets wackier as it builds up to the climax but it never goes off the rails.

"So, where did you folks come down on the big circumcision controversy? 'Cause you know there's a movement afoot these days to keep the foreskin and personally, I think a boy's penis should look just like his father's. You know?"
"Yeah, mm-hmm. Can I have... the baby?"
"Oh, sure. He's so cute."

3 1/2 out of 4 Stars