Thursday, January 11, 2007

Film: Brewster's Millions (1985)

DVD: Anamorphic
Brewster's Millions

"Gentlemen, do you think I'm a lowlife?"
"Oh no, Mr. Brewster. Not with these clothes."

Review: Richard Pryor and John Candy in the same film is fun, but the movie is better to watch as a concept than for how the story plays out. I enjoy watching it more because it makes me think about how I would deal with the money in the same situation. One rule I would have added to the movie plot is that Brewster should only be allowed to hire people and objects at standard market rates. The highly-inflated arbitrary rates he hires people in the movie makes it too easy to complete his task and makes the plot's framework too unstable to track it's logic. If Brewster can hire a man for 250,000 a month, why not 500,000 or a million? I am way overthinking this. Heh!

"What are you gonna vote?"
"None of the above!"

2 1/2 out of 4 Stars

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