"Oh, Matthew. How nice of you to keep my image close to your heart."
Review: An American college student in Paris is befriended by a French brother and sister because of their shared love of films. He is drawn into a strange relationship with the incestous twins when he is invited to move in with them while their parents are out of town for a month.
"This is not Chaplin and Keaton. This is Clapton and Hendrix."
"Matthew, Clapton reinvented the electric guitar."
"Clapton plugs in a guitar, he plugs in an electric guitar and he plays it like an acoustic guitar. Hendrix plugs in an electric guitar, he plays it with his teeth. There are soldiers in the Vietnam War right now. Who are they listening to? Clapton? No, they're listening to Hendrix. The guy who tells the truth."
3 out of 4 Stars
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