Monday, May 21, 2007

TV: The King of Queens - 6th Season

DVD: 3 Discs
King of Queens - The Complete Sixth Season

"I'm an accomplice to something terrible. I should just paint a scarlet A on myself. A for Adultery... Then, after this incident passes, I suppose it could stand for 'Arthur'. Well, that worked out well."

Review: This is a good season. The big changes this year was Carrie losing her job at the law firm and Leah Remini getting pregnant. They tried to disguise it as best they could but it became very apparent by the half-way point of the season. The 2 part season opener, Damned Yanky & Awful Bigamy were a few of the best episodes.

"I'm like, that's cool, that's cool. So how are you going to spend your last day here. And she says, get this, any suggestions? Oh, man. I'm in my delivery uniform. She's in her stewardess uniform. It was, it was like the first scene in a porno."

"In a lot of ways, being a lawyer, which I think we can agree we all are, is allot like being a package delivery guy."
"How so, Doug?"
"Oh, well ya knock on doors and hope you don't get bit by a dog."
"Sound like you've been in front of Judge Farnsworth."

"So what are you going to get?"
"I'm not sure yet."
"Heh, how about this. You pick the letter, I pick the number. Live dangerously."
"No, I don't think so. I can't risk ending up with a comb for lunch. I think I'm going to go with Fritos."

"What are you going?"
"Nothing, just, uh, shaving the 'stache."
"Losing the 'stache. Wow!"
"Yeah, I was thinking it was a little too, Motorcycle Cop."
"Really? Because to me it was more, Out-Of-Shape Porn Star."

"Here's the address. Go straight from work and the gallery is in SoHo. It's at an old meat packing warehouse."
"Okay. So they took out beef and moved in art. I have nothing more to say to you."

"See that girl over there. That's Trish Flintoff. I dated her like ten years ago."
"Yeah, what happened?"
"The way I ended things, I was, what you call in the business, a jackass."
"Take it easy man. You have been married for like eight years."
"I know, but I cannot be seen by her. She's on my top three most awkward people to run into list. Right after this friend of my dad who taught me how to 'wrestle'."

"While you were in the hospital after the surgery when you were sleeping, you were moaning all these girls names."
"Yeah. Oh, Candice. Oh, Inez. Oooh, Tanya. It was sickening."
"No, those weren't girls. I was having a dream where I was helping someone name a litter of puppies."
"Oh. Well, apparently, two puppies named Britney and Christina were making out with you in a limo."

3 1/2 out of 4 Stars

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