Thursday, October 25, 2012

Four Levels of Interaction on Facebook

Four Levels of Interaction on Facebook

1.) First Level - While you may be Facebook Friends with your closest friends and family, you communicate infrequently with this inner circle on Facebook. Except for sharing photos or funny links, most of your normal interaction takes place in person, on the phone, or by text instead.

2.) Second Level - In my experience, this second group is the one that Facebook serves the most. They are the close friends and family who would be in your inner circle if only they lived closer or they are second-tier friends that you normally only see a few times a year. (This group also contains former classmates, co-workers, etc.)

3.) Third Level - This third group consists of acquaintances you would probably never have met again in your life if it wasn't for Facebook. You friended them after hanging out once at a fun party or spent time with them on a vacation or business trip. You like or comment on their posts every once in awhile and they have the possibility of moving up to the second level after a while depending on the quality of interaction.

4.) Forth Level - This level contains the "Friend of a Friend" category. You have never met them, but they show up on your Newsfeed occasionally when they tag your mutual friend in a post or photo. This group also contains the people you didn't have the heart to reject their friend request. You rarely comment on any of their posts or have set them on Ignore.

(These levels exclude celebrities or people who frequently friend request total strangers.)

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