"This could be your lucky-night."
"Well, maybe we should just take things a bit slower, relationship-wise."
"Oh, relationship-wise. Yeah, we should takes things very slow..."
"But let's get stuck right in to the rampant sex, shall we, that's much easier."
Review: Another good season of Coupling. One of this show's unique strengths is when it replays scenes from a different character's perspective to add comedic value. The last episode was excellent farce of confused identity and deceit.
"You thought the BBC was trying to embarrass you with sex scenes?"
"I swear. I thought the TV was plotting against me. I'd be in my bedroom watching a film and it's just a couple having dinner or detectives solving a crime. It's all perfectly innocent and as soon as my dad comes up the stairs, suddenly it's all baby oil and nipples. Every time."
"Parents have no business talking about sex, it's not their area."
"It's disgusting. It's like when you find your dad's magazines."
"Or your parents doing it."
"Oh, I've been there."
"Or your mother making enormous sculptures of erections and filling the house with them. That's what I hate."
"I hate having sex at home. I've got a listening flatmate."
"Nooo, I hate those. Do you have to be really quiet for her?"
"No, I have to be really loud. We're very competitive."
"Does size really make a difference? You know what woman always say..."
"I'm talking about the BIG mistake. The one all women should be trained to avoid. She has ruled out, at any point in the future, the possibility of a threesome. How can a relationship survive without hope?"
"I mean no disrespect, but what would you know about relationships?"
"A relationship is a loving bond between two people and a threesome can take the edge off that."
"You can program any man's libido by careful use of the word, naked. Just slip it subtlety into the conversation every now and then. It's a scientific fact that if you say the word, naked, three times to any man, he has to cross his legs."
4 out of 5 Stars
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