"Doug, we do not fight all the time! We are a loving couple that love each other very much!"
"You just threatened to burn the house down."
"Why do you care if they heard anyway?"
"Because they don't know it's banter. They don't know that's just our way of airing things out and we'll make love later."
"We will?"
"No, I'm tired."
Review: Another great season with no season arcs, just funny individual episodes. "Mammery Lane", "Cowardly Lyin" and "Bed Spreads" were some of the best.
"I was wondering if I could get an advance on my money for walking Arthur."
"Uh, how much?"
"Like, say, seven hundred dollars worth."
"Seven hundred dollars? I got to be honest, Holly. I don't think he's got seven hundred dollars worth of walks left in him."
"I think he does. Well if it turns out he doesn't, we can certainly talk about some sort of refund."
"You comfortable putting that in writing?"
"What are you saying? You don't think I can handle it?"
"No, no, no! Sure, you can play football again. Why stop there, Doug? Hmm? Why don't you become a super hero, Captain Neckfat! Huh!?"
"That's nice. How long have you had that one in the holster?"
"You're... not... playing... semi-professional football. Okay? It's ridiculous."
"What's the matter? You got a little, Dennis the Menace, on your hands? What, did he put a frog in your desk? Give you a little hotfoot?"
"He feels me up constantly. He grabs my breasts every chance he gets."
"C'mon, he's a kid. That's what kids do and besides, I remember you laughing pretty hard when Deacon's baby used my dealies as a speed bag."
"I'm being sexually harassed, think about it. The kid gropes me. I can't complain about it or I won't get my promotion. That's Sexual Harassment 101."
"Yes, yes, yes, I got a couple pounds on you. No argument there. But don't you kid yourself. You're the one that rules this relationship."
"Oh, I rule the relationship. How do I rule the relationship?"
"With fear. I'm scared of you."
"Hmm, YOU'RE scared of me."
"Yeah, I said it. And frankly, I'm a little scared that I said it."
"You're so full of crap."
"Not crap. Terror."
"Look at you. What happened last night?"
"I went to drop off the vodka and he made me stay and have a drink with him. I don't remember much after that. Except at some point, I was dancing with men. Oh, and I may have played Russian roulette."
5 out of 5 Stars
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