"What kind of a host invites you to his house for the weekend and dies on you?"
Review: This is a very funny black comedy. It is filled with excellent physical humor and normally I don't point out the great job an actor does playing a corpse but the movie would not have worked without Terri Kiser's comedic portrayal of Bernie.
"Now you see, Larry? All of this could be yours if you set your goals and work hard."
"My old man worked hard. All they did was give him more work."
"This is the note. Listen. --Richard Parker and I stole this money from the company to pay for my sex-change operation--"
"Son of a bitch. I mean, it's not bad enough that he's trying to kill me. Now he's trying to turn me into a drag queen. Why couldn't he have said you were going to have the operation?"
"It doesn't matter, Larry, it doesn't matter."
"Oh, yes it does matter, Richard, it does matter. I have a reputation to protect here!"
3 1/2 out of 4 Stars
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