Review: This is probably the greatest sequel ever made when compared to its original. The T-1000 Terminator was so freaky and the humor was great as Arnold's T-800 slowly learned human behavior as he protected the young John Conner.
Favorite Scene: When the Terminator shoots the security guard in the leg and says, 'He'll live.' after he swears not to kill anymore.
"I need your clothes, boots and your motorcycle!"
"You forgot to say please..."
"Jesus, you were gonna kill that guy."
"Of course; I'm a terminator."
"I need a minute here. You're telling me that this thing can imitate anything it touches?"
"Anything it samples by physical contact."
"Get real, like it could disguise itself as a pack of cigarettes?"
"No, only an object of equal size."
"Why doesn't it become a bomb or something to get me?"
"It cant form complex machines, guns and explosives have chemicals, moving parts, it doesn't work that way, but it can form solid metal shapes."
"Like what?"
"Knives and stabbing weapons."
"Are you ever afraid?"
"Not even of dying?"
"You don't feel any emotion about it one way or another?"
"No. I have to stay functional until my mission is complete. Then it doesn't matter."
"Negative. The T-1000 will definitely try to reacquire you there."
"You sure?"
"I would."
"No, no, no, no. You gotta listen to the way people talk. You don't say 'affirmative,' or some shit like that. You say 'No problemo.' And if someone comes on to you with an attitude you say 'Eat me.' And if you want to shine them on it's 'Hasta la vista, baby.'"
"Hasta la vista, baby."
"Yeah but later, dickwad. And if someone gets upset you say, 'Chill out'! Or you can do combinations."
"Chill out, dickwad."
"Great! See, you're getting it!"
"No problemo."
"We've got company."
"How many?"
"Uh, all of them, I think."
5 out of 5 Stars
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