Review: After the chaotic blandness of the prequels, this new movie brings back the look and feel of the original series with three new charismatic leads. In this new movie, the Rebellion may have beaten the Empire, but the First Order is regrouping from the remnants and threatens the galaxy once again. Daisy Ridley plays Rey, a scavenger girl left behind by her parents on a desert planet who is probably force sensitive. She teams up with an AWOL Stormtrooper to return a droid to the Resistance fighter looking for the missing Luke Skywalker. Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher return as Han and Leia who have parted ways since "Return of the Jedi" over the actions of their son, Ben, to join the dark side just like his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker. My only nitpicks are that J.J. Abrams played extra fast and loose with time and distance. Things like spaceships using lightspeed to cross the galaxy in what seemed like minutes or people able to watch Starkiller Base blow up a star from a faraway star system with the naked eye.
"Where do you come from?"
[BB-8 beeps]
"Classified, really? Me too. Big secret."
"Can you fly a TIE Fighter?"
"I can fly anything."
"Okay. Stay calm. Stay calm."
"I am calm."
"I'm talking to myself."
"Watch the thrust. We're going out of here at lightspeed."
"From inside the hangar? Is that even possible?"
"I never ask that question 'till after I've done it."
"Hey, Solo, I'm not sure what we're walking into here..."
"Did you just call me Solo?"
"Sorry. Han. Mr. Solo. I'm a big deal in the Resistance. Which puts a real target on my back. Are there any conspirators here? Like, First Order sympathizers?"
"Listen, Big Deal. You got another problem. Women always figure out the truth. Always."
"Where am I?"
"You're my guest."
"Where are the others?"
"Do you mean the murderers, traitors and thieves you call friends? You'll be relieved to hear I have no idea."
"That lightsaber... It belongs to me."
"Come get it."
4 1/2 Stars out of 5