"Are you shook up? Are you nervous?"
"Sir, I am, Sir."
"Do I make you nervous?"
"Sir, what? Were you about to call me an asshole?"
Review: This movie is almost two separate films, while the first half in boot camp was a five star masterpiece, the second half in Vietnam stumbled behind with four stars. Maybe it just suffers in comparison to the genius in the beginning. I saw this movie one week before I left for basic training in the Army and it scared the shit out of me so this movie will always have a place in my heart.
"Are you quitting on me? Well, are you? Then quit, you slimy fucking walrus-looking piece of shit! Get the fuck off of my obstacle! Get the fuck down off of my obstacle! NOW! MOVE IT! I'm going to rip your balls off, so you cannot contaminate the rest of the world! I will motivate you, Private Pyle, IF IT SHORT-DICKS EVERY CANNIBAL ON THE CONGO!"
"Tonight, you pukes will sleep with your rifles. You will give your rifle a girl's name because this is the only pussy you people are going to get. Your days of finger-banging ol' Mary J. Rottencrotch through her pertty pink panties are over! You're married to this piece. This weapon of iron and wood. And you will be faithful."
"Hey, you got girlfriend, Vietnam? Me so horny. Me love you long time."
4 1/2 out of 5 Stars
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