"Ears and noses will be the trophies of the day. But no hand shall touch him! NO HAND SHALL TOUCH HIM! He'll cross over whole in honor."
Review: The first three quarters of this movie is perfect, but the last bit after Amsterdam is exposed seems rushed and unfocused. I've heard there is a longer cut that fixes this problem, but it may just be a rumor.
This movie about ethnic gangs in New York during the Civil War is an entertaining slice of the city's history. Daniel Day-Lewis is amazing as Bill the Butcher, a horrifying but fascinating figure. An Oscar-worthy performance. Jim Broadbent is excellent as well as the corrupt William Tweed.
"Mulberry Street... and Worth... Cross and Orange... and Little Water. Each of the Five Points is a finger. When I close my hand it becomes a fist. And, if I wish, I can turn it against you."
"On the seventh day the Lord rested, but before he did that, he squatted over the side of England and what came out of him... was Ireland. No offense son."
"We're burying a lot of votes down here tonight."
4 1/2 out of 5 Stars
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