"What possessed you to invite vagabonds into your home?
"I'm not stupid! I had my bedroom door locked."
"Oh, then you were perfectly safe."
"I didn't sense any danger. If I had, I wouldn't have done it."
"No danger?! I got slugged twice in five seconds!"
"That was an accident! I'm sure when you got into bed you scared the hell out of Curly Sue."
"Curly Sue? That's cute! What is she, the lost Stooge?"
Review: This is one of John Hughes' last films. It is well-made and has an interesting story about a con-man drifter and his child, but it doesn't have the magic of his early films.
"Kiss my ass, lady. I've raised that kid from a baby and we've beat worse things than some do-good, high-rise legal eagle with a jones for arms-length social reform. Now step aside before I throw your pampered ass in the closet."
"You don't scare me."
"I got nothing to lose but that kid. You try taking that kid from me, I'm going to knock your damn head off."
"You know how many people would kill to have what you achieved in such a short amount of time? You got a partnership, a corner office big enough for basketball. What are you going to give it up for? Love? You got your value system all screwed up somewhere along the line."
"It was screwed up before."
"I got to admit... you're the last one I ever thought would go quality-of-life on me."
3 1/2 stars out of 5
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