"You stay classy, San Diego. I'm Ron Burgundy?"
"Dammit. Who typed a question mark on the Teleprompter?"
Review: This is a very funny movie. It is at it's best when the News Team is trying to cope with the introduction of Veronica Corningstone into their all-male group. Their pathetic attempts to sabatoge her make for hilarious social satire. As a San Diegan, it is nice to see a good movie about my city as well.
"I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany."
"It's a formidable scent... It stings the nostrils. In a good way."
"Brian, I'm gonna be honest with you, that smells like pure gasoline."
"They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time, it works every time."
"That doesn't make sense."
3 out of 4 Stars
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