"What the HELL are you starin' at?!!"
Review: This show has not held up for me. I was never a big fan of it's animation style, but I thought it was really well written and had a cutting edge sense of humor. I looked forward to watching it every week on the USA Network. Now I just feel bored when I watch it after all these years. I think recent shows like Family Guy have just made it feel quaint.
"Welcome back to K-Bash on the far right of your dial. If you're on your way to Busty Bikini Babe Fest, and who isn't, be careful of traffic tie ups off Route 115. Apparently, there's a group of lesbians protesting by the gate. That's right, we're calling a full flannel shirt and work boot alert."
"I know over two hundred ways to kill a man."
"You could glue an open jar of rats to his face. Then blowtorch the other side of the jar, so the rats have to eat their way out threw his face."
"Two hundred and one."
"Look, I didn't need Bacon-Breath here to save me, okay. I could have handled those pantywaists. I was just waiting for the right moment to wind up the old hay maker and start dropping the bombs."
"Did I ever tell you my dad's last words to me?"
"Careful son, I don't think the safety's on."
"Before that!!!"
"I can't believe they shared their girlfriends with us, Corny. I just spent the night with the sexiest, most insatiable, voluptuous, adventurous, least-inhibited woman I've ever met. If she didn't suddenly get a headache... woo hoo! There's no telling what wild and tawdry escapades we might have experienced. How was your night?"
"Like yours... minus the headache."
"I knew something was wrong when you didn't show up for work today, Duckman."
"I don't show up for work a lot of days."
"True, but you always call in with some lame and pathetically inadequate excuse that I pretend to believe so as not to unbalance the age old fragile employer-employee relationship."
"You know kids, once I solve this case your Pop will probably be the most important detective ever on this show. What do you think about that, Corny? You're working for the biggest American Dick ever."
"I won't lie to you, old friend. I'm selfishly and greedily cutting you out of the action because I want the girls to myself. Well, got to go get my basket weaved."
"When I snap, I'll kill him first."
"I hope you don't mind a bit of constructive criticism, Duckman, but those kids will be better off with a pack of rabid baboons than with you."
"We proved that wasn't true, Bernice! Even if Ajax does still get a Valentine from the dominant female every year."
"I'll be back, Duckman. You'll see. I'll be a recurring villain every fifth or sixth episode after people get tired of King Chicken. I'm better looking, more intelligent, have a higher TVQ."
3 out of 5 Stars
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