Tuesday, June 10, 2008

TV: How I Met Your Mother - Season 2 (2006-2007)

DVD: 3 Discs - Anamorphic Widescreen
How I Met Your Mother: Season Two

"For the first time, ever, the three of us are single at the same time. I've dreamed about his day, boys, and it's going to be legendary. Together, we will own this city. Anytime a girl wants to get back at her ex-boyfriends, we'll be there. Anytime a girl wants to solve her father issues through promiscuity and binge drinking, we will be there. Anytime a bachelorette party drives through the city in a limo, sticking their heads out the sunroof, shouting, 'What's up, New York?' we will be what is up New York. Gentleman, we are about to embark on.... OH MAN, you guys did it, didn't you?"

Review: This is a very funny show that grew even stronger in it's second season. Ted and Robin are a very strong couple this season and the season arc follows the return of Lily from San Francisco and her marriage to Marshall in the last episode. Barney is hilarious as always.

"I'm going to unleash my calves."
"That's crazy. Nobody's turned on by men's calves. They're a thoroughly unerotic body part."
"Well, yeah, I'd say that, too, if I had those skinny little chicken legs."
"I'll be waiting by the phone for your apology."

"Look around you, Lilly. You are in the heart of bachelor country, and as a woman, you are an illegal immigrant here. Now, you can try to apply for a sex visa, but that only lasts 12 hours. Fourteen if you qualify for multiple entry."
"Ew... is something some lame, judgemental chick would say, but I say give me multiple high fives."
"Wow, you really are desperate."
"I really am."
"Okay, you can stay here for two days."

"Oh, my God! Incredible!"
"Hmm, C-minus."
"C-Minus? What are you talking about? I pulled an all-nighter!"
"You didn't budget your time well, you glossed over some of the most important points, and your oral presentation was sloppy and inconclusive."

"Is there any way that we could get a wedding license today?"
"You could go to the courthouse. In some extreme circumstances, the waiting period can be waived, but you have to have a good reason."
"Well, we're in love. What better reason could there be?"
"The last one I heard was, 'I'm going to Iraq tomorrow to defend my country', but, you know, give yours a whirl."

"Okay, I'm going to give you a choice. Either ten slaps right now in a row, or five slaps that can be doled out at any point from here to eternity."

"Barney, I'm sorry you're upset, but you got to suck it up and be a man about this."
"No. It's always been me and him together, being awesome. While the rest of you walked two-by-two onto your ark of sexless boredom."

"Let me tell you about a little thing I like to call, Mind Over Body. You see, whenever I start feeling sick, I just stop being sick and be awesome instead. True story. Yeah, in two minutes, I'm going to pound a sixer of Red Bull, hop in a cab, play a couple hours of laser tag, maybe get a spray-on tan. It's going to be legen... Wait for it... Zzzzzzzzzz."

"I can't believe my baby sister is planning to lose her virginity to a douche with a faux-hawk. This can't happen. You guys have to help me talk her out of it."
"Speech to talk a girl out of having sex. Yeah, I don't have any of those."
"Discouraging premarital sex is against my religion."

"Robin, I just had a great idea."
"Do whatever you want to me, just don't wake me up."

5 out of 5 Stars

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