Thursday, January 03, 2008

Film: Alice in Wonderland (1976)

DVD: Anamorphic
Alice In Wonderland

"Wonderland! Love it or Leave it!"

Review: This is a 70's adult musical version of the classic story. Surprisingly, it actually has a good plot, good acting, decent singing & dancing and some funny lines. You actually want to skip past the dirtier parts to get back to the story which is unusual for a movie of this type.

"I better dry myself off before I catch a cold. Can I borrow a towel?"
"We don't have any towels. We had one once but it was stolen by a hotel."

"What's a nice girl like you doing on a knight like this? -- On a thing like that? -- Should've been careful where you sat. -- Why don't you settle down, get married. -- Raise a family, in a house with a white picket fence filled with kids and a little..."
"Arf! Arf!"

4 out of 5 Stars

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