DVD: 4 Discs

"Roger, are you there, over? Roger, come in."
"Hello Tony, where have you been? I've been trying to raise you. I'm headed for the wildest mirage you've ever saw."
"Roger, what kind of mirage?"
"Well, there's this oasis, see, and one of those silk Arab tents and a while back, I saw the wildest blond."
"Well! Boy, I wish I had your imagination."
Review: The first season of this classic show is in Black & White. The characters are solid from the very beginning, but you can see the kinks being worked out by the writers and special effects crew.
"Where am I? Where am I? What's that?"
"Bak tu mulani, an ancient Persian remedy."
"Oh, what is it?"
"Hot chicken soup."
"My daughter tells me that thou art a prince among princes."
"Heh, heh, heh. Well, you know how Jeannie exaggerates?"
"I would wager that thou hast a king's ransom in goats and oxen."
"Well, I can honestly say, I have as many goats and oxen as anyone in Cocoa Beach."
"I am pleased to hear that."
"Tony, have you ever thought of what you are going to be doing twenty years from today?"
"Probably flying economy tours to Mars."
"She has never been a harem dancer. That girl is an impostor."
"Jeannie, please."
"She is not fit to dance for an audience of camel drivers."
"Be quiet, Jeannie, please."
"I'll show you how the dance should be done."
"There would be many advantage to being married to me, Master. When you are old, I will still look like this and you will not have to chase young girls."
"Jeannie, I'm aware of the fringe benefits, but I'm not ready to get married yet."
"I hate to offend you, Myralla, it's just when Jeannie cooks everything, it seems to come out so great."
"Oh, you mean my cousin, Jeannie?"
"Maybe this isn't what you do best. Do you have some specialty?"
"Oh yes."
"Now we're getting somewhere. What is it?"
"Sawing people in half."
"Oh, we'll eat in ten minutes then, huh?"
"It won't be ready for two hours, Master."
"Jeannie, that's blackmail. That's out and out blackmail."
"It is an ancient Carthaginian custom."
"Okay, okay, all right, fine. You can go."
"If my suspicions are correct, for some unknown reason, Captain Nelson is posing as a Doctor Rasha Hoon. He tried to operate this morning and Captain Healy jumped off the operating table and fled from the room. Can't say I blame him."
"Can you prove any of this?"
"I think I can, General, if you wouldn't mind coming over to the hospital."
"You couldn't keep me away and if you're wrong..."
"Oh, don't worry, General, I promise you this time we're going to catch Captain Nelson red-handed."
"I've never been so embarrassed in my life."
"I was only trying to help..."
"Help me. Yeah, I know. That's when I get into most of my trouble. When you're trying to be helpful. What was your excuse, Major?"
"I'm greedy."
4 out of 5 Stars