Review: Favorites are "Stew-Roids" and "We Love You Conrad."
"In order to do this, I must become Superman IV: The Quest for Peace."
"So that's why this movie is called that."
"Picard has it all over Kirk. He's poised and measured. And doesn't wear a cheap rug. Rather, he excepts even baldness with a quiet cool that says, "I am in command. You are safe with me. I will cradle you in my arms through any crisis in any galaxy."
"Are you queer?"
"Welcome to McDonald's. Can I help you?"
"Ah, hailing frequencies open huh? Ah, yeah we're gonna get, uh, two McChicken sandwiches and a Diet coke and... what do you want Michael?"
"A McDLT?"
"No, I already told you they don't make those anymore."
"You know, sometimes it's a regional thing. You could ask."
"No McDonald's anywhere makes a McDLT anymore."
"Dear Lord, please give me the cheat codes from 'Mike Tyson's Punch-Out'. I have been stuck on Bald Bull for four years. I tried Left-Left-Up-B-Dodge-Uppercut, but it still knocks me out. And, you know, they say you're supposed to go Right-B-Up-Dodge-Left-Uppercu... Listen to me, telling you how to play a game."
"I look like a guy who's been hitting the gym!"
"It has nothing to do with the gym, you're on drugs!"
"It doesn't matter how you find the pot of gold, B to the Rian. All that matters is that you beat the leprechauns."
"That doesn't make any sense."
"It doesn't have to make sense when you look like this!"
"I got veins. They carry blood all over my baddy. That's how John Mayer would say it. Baddy. I'm really into him right now. You'd better be okay with it!"
"Ah... it's another pleasant day for me, Peter the Strawberry. Hey, Mr. Worm. I welcome your arrival because we're all part of the same garden. Wait... whadda ya... uh... uh... hey... hey... hey, get outta here! Hey, hey! Aaah! Aaaaahhh! Aaaahhhh! Aaaahhhh! Aaaaahhh!"
"He was my neighbour and he violated me. Now I'll never end up in a fancy pie."
"You fondled me in my sleep?"
"I'm not sure I'm okay with that."
"Well, it's done."
"Oh, God, let's go, quick! Here comes an overweight cat with dollar signs for eyes and a hat that says 'Social Security' pouring a bucket that says 'Alternative Minimum Tax' over a sad Statue of Liberty holding a 'Democracy' umbrella!"
"Yes! Ho Ho, that oughta wake people up!"
"Shut the fuck up."
"Look at all these short, hairy men. I feel like I'm on the forest moon of Endor."
"Didn't you - didn't you make that joke the other day?"
"Oh...yeah. No, I just wasn't sure if everybody had... um... had heard."
"Well, careful Brian. Sometimes the things you love can disappoint you. Like that Playboy issue."
"Ah, here we go. Playboy's Women of the Olympics. Wow, those are some broad shoulders. Okay, I guess small boobs are good for swimming. That...that...those are balls."
4 1/2 out of 5 Stars