Sunday, November 15, 2020

Film: Sicario (2015)


Review: This is the first film that I ever saw from the French-Canadian director, Denis Villeneuve. He transformed this genre action thriller into a work of art that combines the great acting of Emily Blunt, Benicio del Toro and Josh Brolin with the beautiful cinematographer of Roger Deakins and tension-filled music of Icelandic composer, Jóhann Jóhannsson. Emily Blunt plays an FBI agent who is roped into a high-stakes cross-border mission to take on a Mexican drug cartel after she uncovers a house full of bodies in Arizona.

"What's our objective?"
"To dramatically overreact."

"What am I doing here?"
"What you're doing here is you're giving us the opportunity to shake the tree and create chaos. That's what this is! In the meantime, just sponge everything up you see. Learn! That's why you're here."

"Nothing will make sense to your American ears, and you will doubt everything that we do, but in the end you will understand."

"Advisors like Matt come in, they stir the pot, they cause the criminals to react and make mistakes. That's how we build cases against the individuals that actually make a difference in this fight. It's when they're nervous, when they stop trusting their crews, when they move their money. These are all opportunities to strike. And that's the purpose of people like Matt."

"I just tried to have sex with my hitman."
"Nah, he's no assassin. He just wanted to know what you know. They're after us, not you."

"You know what the beauty is of you being so beat to a pulp? 'Cause no one's gonna notice a few more scratches."

"Medellin refers to a time when one group controlled every aspect of the drug trade, providing a measure of order that we could control. And until somebody finds a way to convince 20% of the population to stop snorting and smoking that shit, order's the best we can hope for. And what you saw up there, was Alejandro working toward returning that order."
"Alejandro works for the fucking Colombian Cartel."
"He works for the competition. Alejandro works for anyone who will point him toward the people who made him. Us. Them. Anyone who will turn him loose. So, he can get the person that cut off his wife's head, and threw his daughter into a vat of acid. Yeah. That's what we're dealing with."

"Don't ever point a gun at me again."

5 out of 5 Stars