Review: Another great season!
"I don't negotiate with terrorists."
"Oh really? Have you ever bought a mattress?"
"Okay, you got me."
"Are these...balloons full of heroin?"
"Those are NOT for you!"
"Do you have any men's wigs?"
"Well, I got a David Spade / Ellen DeGeneres, I dunno if it's clean."
"I feel... not buzzed, but... well-rested, like I had a cup of coffee at 6:30 AM. I feel good!"
"That's my new nickname for you... your favorite Star Trek character."
"What he does isn't glamorous, but he keeps the Enterprise running."
"Oh, look, it's Tyler... all grown up like a big shot. You turned out cute. Real cute! Damn it! I'm... I'm laughing now 'cuz I'm nervous. Oh boy, these khakis are not getting any looser."
"An above ground sprinkler on the front lawn! No sir! What's next, prostitutes rising out of the ground and spitting all over our lawns? Well not in my neighborhood!"
"Sorry I took so long. I farted pulling into the driveway and I just wanted to enjoy it for a while."
"I'm only behind bars because I was framed for robbing a jewelry store."
"He's innocent, Dad. And he's going to prove it at his trial next week."
"If I live that long. That's an old accomplice of mine. Ten years ago, I left him holding the bag. And now, he wants revenge."
"So, your wicked ways have caught up with you."
"Yes, And now, those wicked ways are gonna grab from behind, shove me to the floor, and break in my rump like a brand new baseball glove."
"Now I can make a woman quiver just by looking at her the right way."
"Which way? First boobs, then face, then butt?"
"Hayley, we worked all day and we finally figured everything out."
"Yeah, I'm good cop, and Roger's bad cop. I make the wisecracks, but Roger can be sarcastic, as long as it's not too shticky."
"I get to have the troubled past, but Steve always gets the girl."
"Unless she's the bad guy, in which case Roger gets her... so she can betray him, leading to a gunfight on the roof of a opera house."
"Or a theater."
"Yeah, or a theater."
"What the hell are you talking about? Where's my iPod Shuffle?"
"Trapeze school? Well, zany outfits, circus food, one of us could really get hurt. Could be fun. You see, Haley, that's how you make the 'Maybe' pile."
"Shouldn't we do something more meaningful?"
"Like what, Hayley?"
"We both clearly like Back to the Future."
"What's that?"
"Back to the Future! The classic time-traveling comedy?"
"Never heard of it. You know I hate time-based comedies. Mannequin 2 being the obvious exception."
"Then why are you building a DeLorean?"
"Because I always admired John DeLorean. The man had a magnificent chin and a dream... to build a car company from the ground up."
"I was passed over for the Chavez assassination... again!"
"Dear Human who discovers this wreck, please disregard it. We crashed this ship into your planet to test new safety features because we care about our customers. The alien inside is merely a crash test dummy who most likely died within impact."
"Crash test dummy? But they told me..."
"HA HA, the decider, that is classic. I am loving this!"
5 out of 5 Stars
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