Sunday, July 19, 2009

Film: Salvador (1986)

DVD: Enhanced 16x9
Salvador (Special Edition)

"They kill people here, Boyle!"
"Do you believe everything you read in the papers?"
"Yeah I do!"
"Come on man, you're gonna love it here."

Review: This is a classic James Woods role. A photojournalist who is pathetic loser when trying to live a regular life in the USA, but is at his best in a war zone. This is a great film by Oliver Stone about America's involvement in El Salvador's civil war during the Cold War.

"I thought you were dead."
"Dead? Why, do I look that bad?"

"You know I'm often asked by people like yourself to examine my conscience and every now and then I do examine it."
"And what do you find there, Jack?"
"That whatever mistakes we make down here, the alternative would be ten times worse!"

4 out of 5 Stars

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