DVD: Enhanced 16x9

Review: A return to form for the Farrelly Brothers. A very hilarious movie of two husbands played by Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis who receive a Hall Pass from their wives for a week off marriage.
"Hey, honey. We better get a move on. We gotta meet up with Fred and Grace soon."
"No, I know, I know. I'm trying."
"How long do you think you're gonna be?"
"Uh, 45 minutes. Less, if you help with the kids."
"No, 45 minutes is good... I'm kidding. A joke. Okay, come, on. Bath Time. Time to scrub some backs and clean some cracks."
"You gotta be kidding."
"You just checked out that girl's butt."
"Who did?"
"You did. And it's rude."
"What? Do you think she noticed?"
"I noticed."
"Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm just spacey tonight, honey. I'm sorry."
"Look at those meatheads checking out Missy."
"What, do they think they're invisible?"
"Hey, I thought you said Fred isn't a gawker?"
"He was standing right there. I can't let him know I know. It's take all the fun out of it. Oh, God, he has this stupid move where he looks back and waits for the girls to pass so that it seems like he couldn't help but notice her ass. It's pathetic."
"Have you ever considered giving your husband a Hall Pass?
"A what?"
"A Hall Pass. A week off from marriage."
"Wait a minute. Are you saying let them go out and cheat?"
"I'm saying, give them a week off from marriage. Look. Most married men have very foggy memories of their single days and they begin to believe that if not for you they could actually be with these other women."
"That's Fred."
"The way I see it, husbands are like a couple of cats. They're completely domesticated, and the first time you let them out they're so paralyzed with fear they'll come running back inside."
"Yeah. But we're not talking about cats, we're talking about dogs!"
"What about those two? Why don't you go bang them?"
"Or maybe the hostess. Someone should definitely jump her bones."
"Guys, attempt to be cool. You know, we've got the whole week, so we'll get there, we'll get there."
"Are you guys sure Applebee's is the best place to meet hot horny women at?"
"What are you thinking, Olive Garden?"
"What do you want, hot pussy or all-you-can-eat breadsticks?"
"I gotta go home and poo."
"Now? Why don't you just back one out here?"
"Ooh, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need a bath afterwards."
"Maybe we should call the girls and ask them to come home."
"Wait a second, you want to quit?"
"Fred, come on. We're not the same guys we were fifteen years ago, when we were single. We've changed."
"No, YOU've changed. All you're thinking about is yourself."
"Fred, I don't care! I'm exhausted! I want to go home! I miss my wife and kids, okay?"
"No, no, no, no, no! Let me explain something to you, okay? If Maggie and Grace find out that we can't get laid on our own, they'll start thinking that we need them to get laid! Do you realize what that'll do to the balance of power in our homes?"
4 out of 5 Stars