Monday, March 02, 2009

Film: Munich (2005)

DVD: Anamorphic
Munich (Widescreen Edition)

"You'll open two accounts at the Union de Banques Suisse in Geneva on Rue du Commerce. Operational funds in one box, in the other your salary which you don't take till the mission ends when you get what accumulates. Also, for each of your men, you open an account for his salary."
"How many men do I have for this?"
"IN THE operational funds box we will deposit 250,000 American dollars. You take it out, we put more in. I WANT receipts. You are not working for the Baron Rothschild. You're working for Israel, a small country."

Review: After the death of the Israeli hostages during the Olympic Games in Munich, Israel sent a team of assassins to track down and kill the leaders of the terrorist group in Europe. This is an excellent suspense film of the team's efforts led by the excellent Eric Bana and includes the pre-Bond Daniel Craig. The tension builds as the early successes become harder to duplicate and the team itself becomes the target of reprisal attacks.

"I knew guys like you in the army. You do any terrifying thing you're asked to do, but you have to do it running. You think you can outrun your fears, your doubts. The only thing that really scares you guys is stillness."

"Don't fuck with the Jews."

4 1/2 out of 5 Stars

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